Christ came to teach us agape love, a new way to love in the world. But we all know how hard it can be to embody this love in our daily lives– especially in our marriage!

This 6-session on-demand course lifts up the Biblical message of love and teaches a step-by-step process to grow that love into our lives. You will learn how to align yourself with God’s purpose for marriage, and to create a life of joy with your spouse.

Listen to the Experts

Along with Harville and Helen, Imago Relationship Therapists share their tips on how to talk and listen in a new way that invites you to live out your relationship dream.

Watch Demonstrations and Hear Couples' Stories

You can hear couples share their relationship challenges and "aha moments" and witness them dialoguing in action.

Bill & Ann

Dave & Kate

Jesse & Melva

Mikki & Mike

Steve & Raquel

Tammy & Danny

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